
Hey Guys! It's Mousie I am a Youtuber, and this is my little blog on things. ^_^ Stay S'wonderful Lovelies!
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© 2014 - Skins by Yuki. Bascode by Dhy. and Edit by Alya.
Day One of Ireland!
NOTE: To see the photos in the original size, click on it.
So I have made it to Ireland! Finally! It was an amazing and eventful journey but I am so so so happy to be here. Not to mention my first day turned out pretty crazy!
So On Sunday it was decided I would have to stay up all the way to Monday to make it to my flight on time. Shoutout to my mother who basically did so as well and drove me to the airport. P.S. Also bought me the banana and apple that saved me later in the story.
The time came where we had to get to the airport and that was that. I was on my flight to Chicago. I got a pretty cloud photo from the flight but I have better ones from the next flight :)
I landed in Chicago. I immediately went to an airport employee to ask where my gate for my flight to Ireland would be because my ticket had no gate listed. I was informed that there was no way anyone would know when that flight or where that flight would be because it wasn't for another 12 hours.
Yeah. I accidentally booked a 12 hour layover in Chicago.
I was surviving on coffee.
I still hadn't slept and a hour in I was passing out. The fight to stay awake and protect my luggage from being stolen was real ladies and gentlemen. I walked around the airport which in Chicago O'Hare, it's basically a mall. No joke, they had everything. I bought Ross these cool rocks that when you run them together they glow internally. SCIENCE.
For 12 hours I had no wifi, nowhere to plug in my laptop, and no idea where to go. I nearly passed out quite a few times. I eventually remembered that eating is a thing you need to do to, you know, survive, and ate the apple and banana. Then went and got a Tomato and Mozzarella salad. It was magic.
Eventually my gate was announced, I went there, and eventually got on the plane. I had a lovely chat with an older Irishman next to me. Who was pretty awesome might I add. Thanks for helping me with my luggage!
I finally got to sleep a little and 8 hours later. I was in Ireland.
It took me 25min to get through customs but I was there! I walked into the public area and saw Ross for the first time since March! It was magic! Together again and it felt so good ♥. That's when the adventure began.
He got me a beautiful diamond necklace as a present ♥ Honestly was so romantic, I wore it to dinner later that night here.
So we ended up going for lunch at a lovely place called Cavistons in Dun Laoghaire. The scenery there is breathe-taking.
It's so peaceful and the people were so kind. They recommended we go check out the James Joyce tower so we did that. It was so cool!
We then went home and prepared for dinner which Ross had planed as fancy dinner plus movie. Didn't quite go to plan.
I choose to wear heels. Bad choice. We had to walk to the restaurant in Dublin and one of my heels broke. I wasn't too bothered by it so we went to dinner.
Dinner was at this lovely place called Brasserie Sixty6. IT WAS AMAZING. As many of you know I am gluten free, (I have a mild allergy to wheat that causes/gluten me to cough and vomit ) and Ross had picked a restaurant that had an amazing selection of Gluten free options. I even got my own appetizer bread!!!
When we were done with our meal, we realized I still needed to walk multiple blocks to the cinema. We managed to get back to the car drive back to the house and grab new shoes and go back into Dublin.
That's when it got interesting.
We couldn't find a parking spot to walk to the cinema but randomly drove down a few streets and found a garage that closed at 12pm (plenty of time for the movie and back) so we parked there and went out onto the street to realize we were lost. We walked around a bit and eventually came across bike carriages and decided that would be the quickest way to get to the movie on time. So we took a bike carriage. Not even joking, IT WAS MAGICAL.
We made it to the movie, sat through it, then came out and it was 11pm and we had no idea where the garage was but we had a ticket.
So we called a taxi and showed him the ticket and he managed to get us back to the garage just in time to get Ross's car before it closed.
Today was crazy eventful, but by far the most colorful and beautiful and magical day I have ever had.
Stay S'wonderful Darlings!
Day One of Ireland! NOTE: To see the photos in the original size, click on it.
So I have made it to Ireland! Finally! It was an amazing and eventful journey but I am so so so happy to be here. Not to mention my first day turned out pretty crazy!
So On Sunday it was decided I would have to stay up all the way to Monday to make it to my flight on time. Shoutout to my mother who basically did so as well and drove me to the airport. P.S. Also bought me the banana and apple that saved me later in the story.
The time came where we had to get to the airport and that was that. I was on my flight to Chicago. I got a pretty cloud photo from the flight but I have better ones from the next flight :)
I landed in Chicago. I immediately went to an airport employee to ask where my gate for my flight to Ireland would be because my ticket had no gate listed. I was informed that there was no way anyone would know when that flight or where that flight would be because it wasn't for another 12 hours.
Yeah. I accidentally booked a 12 hour layover in Chicago.
I was surviving on coffee.
I still hadn't slept and a hour in I was passing out. The fight to stay awake and protect my luggage from being stolen was real ladies and gentlemen. I walked around the airport which in Chicago O'Hare, it's basically a mall. No joke, they had everything. I bought Ross these cool rocks that when you run them together they glow internally. SCIENCE.
For 12 hours I had no wifi, nowhere to plug in my laptop, and no idea where to go. I nearly passed out quite a few times. I eventually remembered that eating is a thing you need to do to, you know, survive, and ate the apple and banana. Then went and got a Tomato and Mozzarella salad. It was magic.
Eventually my gate was announced, I went there, and eventually got on the plane. I had a lovely chat with an older Irishman next to me. Who was pretty awesome might I add. Thanks for helping me with my luggage!
I finally got to sleep a little and 8 hours later. I was in Ireland.
It took me 25min to get through customs but I was there! I walked into the public area and saw Ross for the first time since March! It was magic! Together again and it felt so good ♥. That's when the adventure began.
He got me a beautiful diamond necklace as a present ♥ Honestly was so romantic, I wore it to dinner later that night here.
So we ended up going for lunch at a lovely place called Cavistons in Dun Laoghaire. The scenery there is breathe-taking.
It's so peaceful and the people were so kind. They recommended we go check out the James Joyce tower so we did that. It was so cool!
We then went home and prepared for dinner which Ross had planed as fancy dinner plus movie. Didn't quite go to plan.
I choose to wear heels. Bad choice. We had to walk to the restaurant in Dublin and one of my heels broke. I wasn't too bothered by it so we went to dinner.
Dinner was at this lovely place called Brasserie Sixty6. IT WAS AMAZING. As many of you know I am gluten free, (I have a mild allergy to wheat that causes/gluten me to cough and vomit ) and Ross had picked a restaurant that had an amazing selection of Gluten free options. I even got my own appetizer bread!!!
When we were done with our meal, we realized I still needed to walk multiple blocks to the cinema. We managed to get back to the car drive back to the house and grab new shoes and go back into Dublin.
That's when it got interesting.
We couldn't find a parking spot to walk to the cinema but randomly drove down a few streets and found a garage that closed at 12pm (plenty of time for the movie and back) so we parked there and went out onto the street to realize we were lost. We walked around a bit and eventually came across bike carriages and decided that would be the quickest way to get to the movie on time. So we took a bike carriage. Not even joking, IT WAS MAGICAL.
We made it to the movie, sat through it, then came out and it was 11pm and we had no idea where the garage was but we had a ticket.
So we called a taxi and showed him the ticket and he managed to get us back to the garage just in time to get Ross's car before it closed.
Today was crazy eventful, but by far the most colorful and beautiful and magical day I have ever had.
Stay S'wonderful Darlings!
All About Mousie

Name : Mousie
Age : 19
Country : USA
City : Cincinnati
Hobby : Youtube, Crafts, Videogames
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My Tutobies
This is free for you
I'm glad u love Ireland Mousie mostly DúnLaoghaire because its beautiful and I live there
That's amazing Mousie! I ship you and Ross so much, I wonder what your ship name is... :3 Have a great time Mouse, it looks beautiful! <3
Hi Mousie I wanted to tell/ask you two things first thing my mom is a flight attendant and she was on your flight to Chicago second thing are you going
to posting on instagram because you haven't posted anything
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